The President of the Parliament, Andrian Candu, said that for now, the decision of Mihai Ghimpu to withdraw his signature from the Partnership Agreement with PPEM, does not influence in any way legally or politically this document. The commentary was given exclusively for Deschide.MD portal.

The President of the Parliament, Andrian Candu, said that for now, the decision of Mihai Ghimpu to withdraw his signature from the Partnership Agreement with PPEM, does not influence in any way legally or politically this document. The commentary was given exclusively for Deschide.MD portal.

"It is a unilateral decision of the Liberal Party, and I will not comment on the debate subject - the referendum on the matter of dismissal of the Mayor. The agreement was signed with another reason, namely the consolidation of forces supporting Moldova's European course, EU Association Agenda and implementing the Association Agreement. Mr.Leanca was named the President of the Parliamentary Council for European Integration based on a decision of the Permanent Bureau, and the latest statement of the Liberal Party does not influence at the moment neither legally nor politically the decision of the Bureau. I do hope that this things will settle down after a while and everything will be back to normal. We, the Democratic Party, stay signatory of this agreement and we will try to talk to our colleagues and persuade them to keep their position, although the discussions that we had yesterday were in vain. At the moment things remain unchanged in relation to the Partnership Agreement and the appointment of Mr. Leanca as the President of the Parliamentary European Integration Council", declared the speaker.

When asked about the legal power of this agreement, if PL members from the Permanent Bureau will change their decision, Andrian Candu said:

"It is too early to talk about this. We will call together a new meeting of the Bureau and we will see how things are. There is a procedure... until then I bet on the wisdom of every political actor involved no matter they are in the electoral campaign and this thing somehow justifies some radical decisions", concluded Andrian Candu. 

We remind you that today the Liberal Party announced that is withdrawing its signature from the Partnership Agreement with PPEM.

In turn, the President of PPEM, Iurie Leanca, said that "if Mr. Ghimpu thought that this agreement was a political game for canceling the referendum, he would do the right thing to withdraw his signature when found out that it is not like that".

The Partnership Agreement between the parliamentary majority was signed at the end of the summer parliamentary session. A couple of days ago, Mihai Ghimpu declared in an interview for the "Puterea a patra" show that if PPEM municipal counselors does not give up the idea of the referendum for Dorin Chirtoaca's dismissal, then he will withdraw his signature "from the partnership" with Leanca.