Filip: Association Agreement with EU means modernization, improving citizens' living standards
Prime Minister Pavel Filip, on 25 January evening, chaired a meeting of the governmental commission for European integration (CGIE). The participants in the event considered a report on the carrying out of the National Action Plan for Implementation of the Moldova-EU Association Agreement in 2014-2016.
Data unveiled by the foreign and European integration minister shows that the actions planned for this period have been carried out at a level of 73.73 per cent, and the rate of adjusting the national legislation to the EU acquis, provided for in the Agreement, is on the rise. At the same time, in 2016, more arrears were removed, including due to a successful implementation of the Roadmap, agreed upon with the Brussels authorities.
During the discussions, PM Pavel Filip stressed the need to work out a separate communication plan on the benefits of the Moldova – European Union Association Agreement, so that the citizens better know what this Agreement means and what it offers. At the same time, the dialogue with foreign partners is to be boosted, in order to inform them on the steps undertaken by the Moldovan authorities to implement the Agreement.
“The Association Agreement with EU means Moldova’s modernization and improving the citizens’ living to the standards recorded in the European Union member countries. In 2016, we managed to eliminate more arrears, and in the end of the year, we approved a national action plan on the implementation of the Moldova – European Union Association Agreement in 2017-2019, which defines the priorities of activity for the next years,” Pavel Filip stressed.
The participants in the event also discussed the next meeting of the Moldova – European Union Association Council, due in March 2017. In the context, the authorities were informed about the need to prepare a comprehensive report on the actions carried out so far.