The PAS National Permanent Bureau notes that Igor Dodon's position, with which he appeared at the meeting with Vadim Krasnoselisky on January 4, contravenes Article 1 paragraph (1) in the Moldovan Constitution which states that "Moldova is a sovereign and independent state , unitary and indivisible state "and the Article 77 of the Supreme Law, which clearly stipulates that the President of the Republic of Moldova" is the guarantor of national sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity ".

According to PAS, Dodon announces false solutions to problems that are not within the President’s remit. An example is the promise to recognize the diplomas issued by the higher education establishments of Transnistria by the constitutional authorities. In any education system, the diplomas of an institution are recognized only after assessing the quality of programs. As the institutions of Transnistria do not accept to be assessed by the competent bodies of the Republic of Moldova, they were offered to be assessed by any other foreign quality assurance agency, on condition that this is included in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education. The Ministry of Education is not empowered to put stamps on documents issued by institutions that do not want to show that they meet minimum quality standards.

PAS considers that Igor Dodon  recognizes the legitimacy of the anti-constitutional bodies of Transnistria. Moreover, he becomes the spokesperson of the anti-constitutional regime.

The party warns society and Igor Dodon about the serious consequences of the attempts to promote anti-state policies under the protection of the demagogic and cynical shield of preoccupation with the "problems of ordinary people". Sovereignty belongs to the people, not political swindlers who came to power by cynically manipulating the own people.