The first Moldovan President Mircea Snegur, gave a speech at the Eternity Complex in the capital which has honored the memory of those who died in the 1992 Moldovan-Russian war on Nistru River. According to Mircea Snegur, the fact that the Russian Federation signed the peace treaty proves that this country was one of the warring parties.

Mircea Snegur believes that the Moldovan soldiers did everything that stood in their power to resist the Russian aggression and to defend the territorial integrity and the independence of Moldova. Nevertheless, the military advantage of the 14th Russian Army against police forces from Moldova was obvious.

"Exactly in the day when Moldova was admitted to the United Nations, the Tiraspol separatists, being guided and supported by circles hostile from Moscow, started a war on the Dniester, endangering not only the territorial integrity, but also the independence fresh obtained. You have been those who from the exhortation of heart have showed true patriotism and you have risen in defense of freedom.

Unfortunately we were not endowed with the attributes necessary for fighting and even if during the deflagration the leadership failed to resolve some problems of this kind, we could not fight back the 14th Army of the Russian that on 19 May 1992 was directly involved in battles on the separatist side, arming them in parallel to the teeth and all sorts of mercenaries who came from elsewhere. But even in such circumstances, you have shown your true heroism in the unequal struggle with enemies, you have done everything you could and to this context you must be in good conscience.

Since 1992 onwards I bear a heavy burden on the soul left by the war that will never go away as long as I live.

I Thank you gentlemen for helping me to end the shootings and life loss by signing the agreement with the Russian Federation, which proves the involvement of this country in the military operations. The leadership of the country wanted this particular thing, so I read everywhere, as well in the eyes of the combatants. Even if I am still criticized for that step, I believe I acted correctly. The same opinion is shared by most of the people.

The war in Donbas, which lasts for several years, human heritage and economic devastation, thousands of human sacrifices, is further proof that we were right from the start, by establishing the peace on the Dniester," said Mircea Snegur.