Președintele Partidului Acțiunea și Solidaritatea, Maia Sandu, a acționat în judecată Cancelaria de Stat pe motiv că instituția refuză să prezinte stenogramele ședințelor Executivului în cadrul cărora au fost acordate garanțiile de stat pentru băncile falimentate. Potrivit politicianului, ar fi vorba de perioada în care Guvernele au fost conduse de Iurie Leancă (2014) și Chiril Gaburici (2015).

The State Chancellery of Moldova was sued by Maia Sandu, the president of “Action and Solidarity” Party, for refusing to provide transcripts of meetings in which 2014th Leaca’s government and 2015th Gaburici’s government 2015th granted state guarantees to failed banks.

"Two months ago I asked the State Chancellery to present me the copies of transcripts of government meetings, where they approved state guarantees to those three failed banks (Leanca’s government in 2014 and Gaburici’s government in 2015). It is logical that these discussions on the matter of these decisions can be accessed, because the Government decisions on granting guarantees were declassified. The citizens must know who and what he opted in these discussions, what requested NBM and for what purpose they promised to use the money", wrote Maia Sandu in a Facebook post.

Maia Sandu thinks that the Democrat Party does not want to show “how the thing happened truly”, for the reason that in this case “it would be harder to lie and to blame others”, but the government promises to investigate the bank fraud “is nothing else but lullabies”.

"I sued the State Chancellery, requiring to force it to submit the transcripts from the two Government meetings, because the constitutional right and the law was violated. Sooner or later, all this documents will become public, the truth will prevail, and the country will know all perpetrators", claims Maia Sandu.