The Speaker of the Parliament, Andrian Candu, wants the involvement of PPEM to the Government. Statements to this effect were made in an interview given for the portal Deschide.MD. The speaker said that discussions on the topic were initiated last summer, but were abandoned due to other priority issues related to the presidential campaign. In the coming parliamentary session the dignitary hopes to bring back the issue on the political agenda of the parliamentary majority.

Andrian Candu was asked whether he considers possible and necessary an extension of the parliamentary majority. In response, the dignitary spoke only about PPEM.

"We have discussed several times and, in summer, we have reached a point very close to have as partners mostly the colleagues from PPEM, involving Mr. Leanca's team. Then, the discussions were not carried out successfully because of lack of time and, unfortunately, it has not been evolved in this respect due to other topics, at the time, have become of priority: the campaign, the elections... I think we should return to the topic. I believe that Mr. Leanca's team could be part from the majority and I do not mean necessarily to positions, to requirements, but to the fact that everything we do is part of his team and the team he leads," said speaker.

Asked later how PL sees this opinion of his, the speaker admitted that the idea is not too agreead, but he hopes to reach a consensus.

"There is some problem in the relationship PL-PPEM because of City Hall and CMC. But if we fail to disregard what happens at the City Hall and put our goals much higher than the City Hall, even if it is of Chisinau and it is very important, then I think we will succeed," added the Speaker. 

We remind you that in the summer of 2016, the president PPEM - Iurie Leanca - received the position of the chairman of the Committee for European Integration. The PL fraction challenged this and withdrew its signature from the concerned agreement after what PPEM fraction from CMC was involved in the referendum on the dismissal of general mayor Dorin Chirtoaca. 

During all this period PPEM MPs Iurie Leanca and Eugen Carpov, have declared themselves in a constructive opposition and voted the majority of draft laws which concerned the implementation of the Association Agreement and the realization of preconditions for signing the agreement with the IMF.

The full interview, HERE.